Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wells Fargo Rewards Program: Fail

Every day I open the mailbox hoping for a surprise. Perhaps I am looking forward to a package, a family card, an important document, etc. Instead, my mailbox is weighed down by numerous attempts at persuading me to get "Such and Such Credit Card" with "Such and Such Company" with "Such and Such Rewards."

What does this tell me?

1) I have SO MANY options in determining what credit card exactly I want to have and the rewards that I seek.
2) It is relatively easy for me to change over at any time and transfer balances (often rewarded with lower rates to do this.)
3) Companies are obviously competing for business between rivals and new entrants into the market.

Where does Wells Fargo come in? Well, I have been an established credit card holder through Wells Fargo for roughly 5 years now. Starting the account at age 17 has allowed me to establish a credit score most 35 year olds can only dream of (after a ton of bad purchases.)

Wells Fargo and I have had our ups and downs.... Mostly due to the little banking that I do, I was never in too much of an uproar with bad service.

Summary of my problem: I spent 10,000 dollars on the card, racking up points. I wanted a rewards card. In this case it was a 50 dollar gift card to best buy costing me (5,000 of the 10,000 points.)

November: I request the card online. They give me an estimate of 2-3 weeks. I wait.... I wait.... I wait.... Late December: I call and they say the card was sent out, but something must have happened.

They then go to tell me that a new card is on the way, and that I should expect it in 2-3 weeks. I wait.... I wait.... I wait....

Late January... I call again, this time they say there was "no record" of my previous call. They tell me that they will send out ONE more card, they apologized for this. I wait... I wait... I wait....

I received the gift card nearly 5 months after the initial request. I did not need anything from Bestbuy, but I had planned to purchase a game that was released in November. All the effort was on my part. I had to call four different times to track the card and its whereabouts. Ridiculous.

Hey Wells,

I am a loyal customer of 5 years.... Never one late payment. I spent a crap ton of money using your card so that I could receive a measly 1 percent reward back. This 1 percent would seem fair and justifiable to me if I were to receive it SOMEWHERE in the vicinity of when I ask for it.

You take half a year to reward me? All I get is 3 different agents saying I never called, and I am offered a slight apology?...

Guess what? Delta SkyMiles sounds pretty good right now!


Unsatisfied Customer